Wednesday, January 7, 2009


another poem by moi...

climb a cliff with bare feet all the way to the top
look over the edge feel the rush looking down
i know i can do it but it is so frightening and far
taking a deep breath and close my eyes shut
no, i can't! so i open them again and look up
i see a few vultures circling around waiting
but I smile while my eyes are staring tearing up
so I take another deep breath and I jump!

sure hell I can really jump as far out as possible
and I scream until I am close to the black water
where cold is rushing around my body rapidly
my eyes were closed but now they are open wide
I look around under the surface taking it all in
I don't feel the cold anymore and I am happy
I am touching the sand and grip it with my toes

I grab ahold of my body with my arms and float
slowly and carefully back all the way to the top
and I take another deep breath deeper than before
and look up to the sun where the vultures were
I don't know, I don't know and I keep looking around
I am spinning in the water trying to see them
but they are all gone and they are not looking at me
so I push myself back onto my back and I float again

laying in the freezing cold water but feeling warm
I am closing my eyes now to enjoy this moment
no one just no one can understand why this is
but I know and I am ok to know all on my own
where i can relax slowly on top of the soft clouds
and the wind will grab me sometimes I know
and I will have nothing to grab onto and its scary
but it is right for me in the way that only i know

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vivid...beautiful expression...