afloat waiting
hoping to see
do I know
or will I ever
run be free
still remember
I live
Another weekend has gone way too quick. I have so many things I want to do and I can't fit it all in. I am working on my photo studio, which is coming along pretty good. I got some white background paper on a roll and now I need a curtain rod so I can hang it up.
I also got some time to paint again. Since I got into it last weekend I figured I keep going while I'm feeling creative. This one might not be ready yet, but I am posting it anyway. There are so many wonderful painters in this world and I have no clue how they do it. I am not a good painter but I enjoy it, and I think that is all that matters. I like to mix colors, textures and put down whatever comes to my mind. I like to write too, but same there, not a writer. I like to keep everything I do in this blog because I like to share, not because I think what I do is especially good. It is just who I am and what I do. I am grateful for you, who reads this right now, because I know you took the time to see what I have to give. Whether you like what you see or not. Thanks!
I love this. If this doesn't make you think in some way, then what does? Keep up the creative spirit.
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