Me and my friend Krystal went out to take some pictures on Sunday. I don't think we realized that normal people don't go out to snap photos for no reason when it is almost zero degrees outside (or at least so it felt). Well at least there are some people that have a good reason to be outside in freezing temperatures, like the Green Bay Packers and the NY Giants fighting to get to the super bowl. Krystal and I had absolutely no reason to be outside except for being hardcore amateur photographers. The cold didn't just freeze our hands, feet and noses but also our brains. There was no rhyme or reason for any shots since our bodies were almost shutting down to the state of hypothermia. Our eyes were tearing and snot was covering our photo displays, so there was no telling if this excursion was going to be worth while. If not we had at least tested our limits to how far we will take our passion for photography. I can't say that I was overwhelmed with excitement when we finally de-thawed and looked at the pictures. However, we had so much fun and I would do it all over again.
nice colors...are you trying to pick a certain track in life?
career track?
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