Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My Friend Christian

Tonight I want to give thanks to one of my close friends. Christian is one of the most humble and genuine people that I know. Not only is he a good friend but he is artistic, spiritual and funny. He has more energy than the average person, which I see as a plus since I am moving around rather fast myself. He inspires me to be creative. He probably think I'm silly for saying all this, but this is my blog and I don't care. I think that these pictures I took of him this past weekend are great. We build a TTV and were trying it out. I just like the way they came out. Thanks my dear friend for always being there! Hate me as much as you want for bragging about ya! Oh, and to all the single women out there. Watch out! ha ha ha

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Nature Compositions

I'm so happy to find things in nature that are pieces of art. They inspire me, they give me hope and they keep me creative. I have no plan or reason for most things I create. They are just spur of the moments kind of things. I think that I am fortunate to see, feel and understand. Not for anybody else than for me. We go about our days without looking and realizing how much beauty we are surrounded by. It doesn't matter who we are, what we do or where we are. It is all about what you allow yourself to see. Find it where no one else find it and make it yours. Enjoy it and treasure it like there is no tomorrow. Whatever you find that is beautiful to you is pure beautiful no matter what anyone says. Isn't that some kind of relief? Something we don't need to be paid for and that we get for free.

What the F was THAT!!!!???

Me, Krystal and Christian were out shooting pictures this passed weekend. I was in a "haunted" house looking out. I held my camera up ready to shoot this window when Christian came walking towards the building. A giant hawk or something scared the living shit out of him and he screamed. He scared me, which made me push the trigger on my camera. I had no clue I snapped the picture until later when I went through the photos I'd taken. I was laughing so hard! C, hope you like it!? This is my thanks to you for posting my butt on your blog!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Reaching Tree

I don't know why, but trees are special to me, so they keep appearing.


I have many beautiful childhood memories. Today I remembered when my Mother brought us kids outside in the rain to dance. It was such a great feeling to jump in the puddles, taste the rain and laugh while the heavy drops of summer drenched our bodies. My mother made everyday a day to remember. It was moments like those I want to pass on to generations to come.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gone Crazy

I painted 5 paintings last night! Yeah, a little crazy, I know, but I had so much fun. Most of them were small so they didn't take very long.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Mixed Media

The Music

Pulse through my toes reaching the back of my spine
pumping the beat through my heart like a drum
a signal from uncontrolled insides of my watery eyes
sweat from the heat all around is dripping down
my hair, my temples and the back of my naked neck

Words and thoughts so beautiful and new to us
yet there from the start like we knew they would be
before they were written they spoke silently to me
and sharing our blood from different veins and skin
do not know how you control the living life of mine

I cannot think of anything more beautiful this night
I cannot think of anything leaving me more content
for the soul and the voice of yours is mine
which you cannot ever take away from me or us
even if you could not find a reason to stay forever

I am hugging my arms and I am feeling the beat
along with the leaves you put tightly on the trees
and I sway like the rest of them feeling true and safe
where nothing matters and I feel free closed in
knowing people like me will quietly understand

the Pulse
the Sweat
the Words
to Sway